Choosing the Right Muscadine Variety

The first thing you need to consider is there are two types of muscadines – female and self-fertile. If you choose a female variety, you will need a self-fertile variety planted within 50 feet of your female for pollination. You will also need to decide what color you want. Muscadines are usually either black or bronze, but there are a few red varieties too. You also need to make sure the variety works in your hardiness zones. Most will work in the Southeastern U.S., but be extra careful if you are further north.
I have two favorites, and even though I’ve had other types in the past, these are the only two I currently grow. I believe both of these are patented and only available from Ison’s Nursery.
Darlene is a bronze female, and it’s my favorite muscadine. The fruit and the jelly have a beautiful pink tint to them, and the flavor is excellent.

Ison’s is the self-fertile variety I pair with my Darlenes. It is a black variety that produces well without any problems and also makes a great jelly.